You do it even when you don’t think it’s helping. You do it when you are pretty certain it’s a complete waste of time. You do it when no one is watching, when no one cares, and you’re not even sure if you still care.
But you do.
So you do it.
I’m coming across more and more ESDers who do what they do Every Single Day because it has become who they are. There are:
They know they don’t need to do it every day. If they missed a day, they are bothered, but it won’t break them, but they won’t miss two–and they probably even try to make up for the day they missed even though they know it doesn’t really matter.
It’s a choice. You choose to whine or you choose to improve.
Tell 'em now.
ESD: Jeff Haws talks with Bradley Charbonneau about Morning Habits, 20Books London, and how the world will be a better place. Basically, I want...
One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to...