Latest Episodes
ESD 23: Ch. 18: The only productivity tip you’ll ever need.
I wake up very early in the morning. I like to start in the dark, and I never work at night, because my brain...
ESD 22: Ch. 17: I motivated him to start. He was inspired to stay.
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. — Zig Ziglar You can’t force...
ESD 88: Here's how to create a book title in 3 not-always-so-easy steps.
But you'll get it done.
ESD 89: You know what to do but it's different when someone reminds you of what you already know but still aren't doing
What I learned from Marc Reklau in 15 minutes waiting to get on the Dixie Queen.
ESD 90: How often do the trash guys come by?
Spring has Sprung. Listen for the Woodpecker. Either I spend too much time in nature--or not enough. I'm in the woods and I hear...
ESD 91: Are you "working" or "playing"? Where are your moments of clarity?
How do you define work? How do you define play? Video version here: